standard questions

Question Types Overview

SERIES INFORMATION The Question Types series contains the following articles. Question types overview [this page]  Numbers Text Body diagrams Simple body area diagram Duration Multi-file upload Embe...


Numeric fields allow the user to enter a number. There are four numeric question types: Number Positive number Whole number Positive whole number Using the Advanced Properties tab, number and positive...


Text fields allow the user to input text. They can be customised to different sizes, minimum entry lengths and other input criteria. Single line text – allows the user to input a single line of ...


Duration fields allow the user to enter an amount of time as the question’s answer. Different time formats can be used, such as Dd:Mm:Ss (Days:Minutes:Seconds) or Mm:Ss.SSS (Minutes:Seconds.Millisec...


Option fields allow people to choose an answer to a question from a pre-defined list of possible answers. When you build a form that has an option question, you define what the possible answers are by...