The newest version of the Smartabase mobile application (not the Smartabase Athlete mobile application – read the release notes for that here) is ready for you. It contains new functionality for security and several important fixes, especially for people who are now using Android 10.

Improved options for completing multi-factor authentication

We’ve built in the ability for people to authenticate via Google Authenticator in addition to using SMS and email PINs. This means that your Smartabase access is no longer dependent on your ability to receive text messages or emails when multi-factor authentication is enabled on your Smartabase site.

A screenshot from the Smartabase mobile application showing the multi-factor authentication process

Android 10 compatibility

Those of you using Android devices may have noticed problems loading the Smartabase app if you’d upgraded to Android 10. Smartabase wasn’t compatible with this version of Android, and this release solves that problem. If you haven’t already updated your device to Android 10, you wouldn’t have noticed this problem.

Android 10 has lots of great new functionality, including security updates and better controls for privacy and your location data. So we encourage you to maintain the latest version of your operating system as well as the newest version of Smartabase, and we’re pleased that they work together nicely again.

Signature field fix

We’ve heard people have been having trouble with the wet signature fields in the Smartabase mobile application. In very specific scenarios (forms with only one section containing a signature field), saving a record caused the signature field to save as a blank. We’ve fixed that now.