In this patch release, we’ve taken the opportunity to make some minor improvements to the locking behaviour of records and also to fix a few small bugs:

  • We updated the message you see when you use the lock option to save a record. If there’s a locking delay (a pre-determined period of time that you can continue to make edits to the record before it permanently locks), the delay period will be shown in the message.
  • Some of you reported that the lock option for existing records is located in an unintuitive position, so we’ve moved it to where you’d see the save option for a new record.
  • We’ve fixed an issue affecting forms that had a date override set, and these should now work correctly where they’re used.
  • We resolved a problem causing the results of entered by and entered on calculations to change when a record was re-opened and edited. The data captured using an entered by or entered on calculation should always reflect the name of the person who entered the record and the time the record was created, respectively.