Archive by Author

Athlete App | 1.14 release notes

Videos! Version 1.14 of the Smartabase Athlete app allows you to play videos stored in external repositories (such as S3 buckets). It also adds support for field instructions and includes a fix for a ...

Smartabase | 6.2 release notes

Version 6.2 of Smartabase contains exciting new functionality and we’re pleased to let you know it’ll be available to you shortly.  New and improved methods for managing passwords Options...

Athlete App | 1.13.1 release notes

This patch release fixes: A time zone bug which affected those of you using Android. A bug that caused fields to overlap for people using some types of devices. An issue with the password reset proces...

Athlete App | 1.13 release notes

This version of the Smartabase Athlete app introduces databases! All database fields should show providing that the fields in the database form are supported by the Athlete app. Athletes will be able ...

Dashboard Builder | 2.24 release notes

Smartabase’s dashboard builder has fantastic new features that we’re excited to share with you. If you haven’t tried the dashboard builder yet, check out our helpful guide. We’ll ...

Athlete App | 1.12.2 release notes

In this version of the Smartabase Athlete app, we’ve made some minor user interface improvements and fixed a bug.  You’ll now see a high resolution version of the logo on your splash scre...

Dashboard Builder | 2.23 release notes

We’ve made another upgrade to Smartabase’s dashboard builder and we’re proud to share its new features with you. If you haven’t tried the dashboard builder yet, check out our ...

Dashboard Builder | 2.22 release notes

We’re pleased to announce more great news – Smartabase’s dashboard builder has some exciting new features and continued improvements.  If you haven’t tried the dashboard build...

Dashboard Builder | 2.21 release notes

Smartabase’s dashboard builder has some useful new features, which we’re pleased to let you know about. If you haven’t tried the dashboard builder yet, check out our helpful guide. W...